GBA 2022 - Summer Update

Continued from page 13

30 We have been attending meetings with DFO to explore the potential for updating the regulatory agreement with MNR and the role of DFO, and with ECCC on industry compliance with the GLWQA and the upcoming Lake Huron Management Plan. We have also been providing ongoing input into the new federal Aquaculture Act to ensure that there are clear and distinct rules for freshwater aquaculture. 31 We are investigating the potential for a comprehensive study of the environmental impacts of the cage farms and engaging with DFO, ECCC, International Joint Commission (IJC), and GBF on this issue. 32 We have been meeting with EcoJustice, who are providing support on legal avenues and reviewing the regulatory framework. Fisheries 33 Our focus is on identifying issues facing fisheries and proposing steps to mitigate threats and reporting on: the state of local fisheries industries; the impacts of invasive species on fish stocks; and the need to update commercial fishing regulations. 34 We provide multiple up-to-date web posts and articles on changes to regulations and fishing advisories such as: live bait rules, aquatic invasive species, stocking programs, and the catch-and-release debate. 35 We participate actively in the Georgian Bay Biosphere (GBB) fisheries stewardship framework and are working to expand communication links with the Upper Great Lakes Management Unit, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Ontario Commercial Fisheries Co-operative, and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Lands and Forests 36 Our invasive species work includes: phragmites eradication efforts with GBF, the Ontario Phragmites Working Group, and other stakeholders; reporting on forest health, pests, and other terrestrial invasive species. 37 Our ongoing advocacy helps to protect species at risk and their habitat, including reporting on legislative changes that could threaten them, and other submissions as required. 38 We continue to develop information and website content about: living with nature, health hazards, safety issues, resilient shorelines, and native plants. First Nations Liaison 39 We are exploring how traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) can be integrated into several GBA committee actions and deliberations. 40 We provide ongoing education on ethical space and two-eyed seeing (see description on page 17), and reporting on the progress of the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership. Membership and Association Services 41 We continue to work with associations to identify ways to retain and grow membership and provide a resource for information sharing. 42 We continue to build GBA membership benefits and add more savings opportunities for our members; see: . 44 We continue to provide various services to associations, including hosting Zoommeetings; piggy-backing mailing services (with UPDATE ); providing website templates; and creating social media guides for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Governance 45 The introduction last year of the regulations for the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) provided an opportunity for GBA to upgrade and update its bylaws and articles of incorporation and put together a workshop for our directors and GBA association preidents, see: . This major task will be followed by similar improvements to GBA’s governance procedures and will be of value to your associations as they move towards ONCA compliance. Other 46 GBA continues to monitor, report, and make submissions as needed on the proposed TransCanada Energy pumped storage project at Meaford to ensure that any environmental impacts are minimized should it proceed, which is looking less likely. 47 Election readiness briefs will be produced both for the upcoming Ontario election and then for the October municipal elections aimed at sounding out prospective candidates on issues that affect the Bay. 48 The results of GBA’s economic impact survey were analyzed and communicated this spring. Many thanks for your excellent participation to help enhance GBA’s advocacy efforts. 43 We work with the GBA Communications Committee to build deeper inbound and outbound content across associations.

GBA UPDATE Summer 2022


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