GBA 2023 - Summer Update
Vol. 33 No. 2, Summer 2023
Your Voice on the Bay
News and Information from the Georgian Bay Association
Georgian Bay Future Water Levels: Reviewing the ECCC Report
By John Woodrooffe, President, McGregor Bay Association
State of the Bay: Ecosystem Health Report 2023
I t was discovered recently that the “Future of Water Levels” article published in our Spring 2023 edition of GBA UPDATE was based on a misinterpretation of the data from an Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) report. 1 The article mistakenly represented the report by exaggerating the risks of future water levels ranges during the study period of 2025-2095. As a result, GBA has retracted the article. Upon further review, it became clear that the ECCC study projected only a modest increase in average lake levels. Furthermore, when uncertainty is considered, the projected average annual lake levels may not change very much in the next 72 years. However, the study suggested more water level variability under a changing climate can be expected, particularly towards the later part of the century. About the ECCC Research Study The study explored the likely influence of climate change on the average annual water levels of the Great Lakes using a matrix of 13 regional climate models to account for variations in precipitation and evaporation throughout the Great Lakes basin. To estimate lake levels, the combined output from the climate and hydrological models known as Net Basin Supply (NBS) was used as input to a long-established Coordinated Great Lakes Regulation and Routing Model (CGLRRM) currently used for water level management. In essence, the research project combines two distinct modeling efforts. What is novel about the study is modelling regional variations in climate to provide a more granular analysis of Great Lakes NBS. It is noteworthy that the CGLRRM used to calculate water levels is a reliable model for predicting lake levels within historic water level limits. It was not designed or validated for water levels much beyond historic levels. Caveats concerning the model use state that any input that is outside the ranges used in the development of the water level regulation plans may result in unrealistic outputs. The study selected two climate change scenarios: a middle-of-the-road scenario having some mitigation of emissions (intermediate climate change scenario), and a business-as-usual scenario where little action is taken to combat climate change (high-emissions climate change scenario).
Camp Franklin: “Nature’s Playground for Adult-Young People”
Now That’s the Sound of Progress: The Decibel Coalition Update. ...................................................4 The State of Boating: Sales and Safety...................................8 Upcoming Events.................................9 The Benefits of Using a Clean Marine-rated Marina ...........10 What Is the Underused Housing Tax?................11 ED’s Advocacy Report.......................12 President’s Report ............................16 Introducing the GBA Septics Guide..............................18
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Results of ECCC Study The projected probability of exceedance of the monthly mean lake level differences for Lake Michigan-Huron for 2050 and 2080 relative to historical levels are shown in the following tables. Table 1: Intermediate climate change scenario (metres) 1 Michigan-Huron 5% 50% 95% Historical (1961-2000) +0.59 0 -0.71 2050 +0.88 +0.19 -0.57 2080 +0.84 +0.22 -0.40 Table 2: High-emissions climate change scenario (metres) 1 Michigan-Huron 5% 50% 95% Historical (1961-2000) +0.59 0.0 -0.71 2050 +0.77 +0.07 -0.69 2080 +1.27 +0.53 -0.25 Note: The tables include 5 th and 95 th percentage exceedance, a variation of percentile obtained by subtracting the percentile scale value from 100 percent. The 50 per cent probability of exceedance represents predicted annual mean values relative to the historical water level data recorded from 1961 to 2000. The findings suggest that average annual water levels are not expected to change very much in the next 60 years, except for the high emissions case towards the end of the century. The 5 per cent and 95 per cent probability of exceedance values provide insight into the likelihood of more extreme water level events. The 95 per cent exceedance is the level that is exceeded in 95 per cent of all years. That means for most years, the water level will be greater than this value. The 5 per cent exceedance is a value that is likely to be exceeded in only one out of every 20 years. Looking at the historical record from 1961-2000 (the green line in both tables), the 5 per cent exceedance was 59 cm (23.2 inches) higher than the long-term annual average, and the 95 per cent exceedance was 71 cm (28 inches) lower than the average. The intermediate climate change scenario shows that the extreme levels are similar for the years 2050 and 2080. However, the high-emissions climate change scenario predicts larger variability by 2080 (table 2). This same pattern is seen in all the Great Lakes: greater water levels change with higher emissions scenarios later in the century. The report also suggests that year-over-year water levels will likely change more rapidly in the future and may exceed long-standing upper and lower water level limits, particularly towards the end of the century. Importantly though, the ECCC study warns the reader not to focus on the extreme water levels that were found for a small
number of the simulations, as their statistical significance and physical robustness require additional investigation, which is beyond the scope of the study. It is also necessary to consider the limitations of the CGLRRM used to calculate water levels. This model was developed as a tool for development of the regulation plans and is quite limited in its validated scope. The CGLRRM manual advises that supply sequences outside of historical ranges may result in impractical output values. More precisely, the model is not designed to calculate water levels beyond those occurring in the past 100 years and does not account groundwater transfer between subbasins. It does not account for vertical/lateral movement of lake surface to calculate basin runoff as water levels rise above known values (Kayastha et al. (2022). 2 The limitations of the model tend to generate higher water level predictions, and the errors are likely to be greater with increased divergence from maximum historical values. As for other research, there are very few studies that have explored long-term lake level forecasting. The following two refereed journal articles have simulated long-term lake levels for the Upper Great Lakes: Lofgren et al (2002) predicted dry and wet scenarios resulting in mean water level changes ranging from -1.38 to +0.35 m (-4.5 to +1.1 ft) for Lake Michigan-Huron by 2081-2100 relative to 1954-1995. 3 Angel and Kunkel (2010) predicted that the full range of water levels for Michigan-Huron is -1.77 to +0.89 m (-5.8 to +2.9 ft) during 2080-2094, relative to 1970 1999. 4 The paper emphasized that there is a large range of uncertainty regarding long-term projections of future lake levels. In balance, including the most recent ECCC study, we have three different studies that are arriving at similar late century water level predictions for the Upper Great lakes. Understanding Lake Michigan-Huron Levels The recent State of the Great Lakes 2022 Report published jointly by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and ECCC reported that water levels in Lake Michigan-Huron show no significant overall average change over the last 100 years. 5 In addition, despite great variations in lake levels year to year, their peak maximum and minimum water levels have remained relatively constant. Nevertheless, the year-to-year water level variations have been problematic for us all. When the lakes were at their lowest level, people thought water levels would never come back. But the water levels rose with a vengeance, without human intervention, and peaked just six years later. The ferocity with which the water returned between 2013 and 2019 underscores the power of the natural system, making any water level control mechanism that we might consider inept if not counterproductive. Rapid changes from low to high
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GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
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1 Environment and Climate Change Canada. Future hydroclimate variables and lake levels for the Great Lakes using data from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5. Gatineau, QC: Government of Canada; 2022. 83 p 2 Kayastha, M. B., Ye, X., Huang, C., Xue, P. (2022) Future rise of the Great Lakes water levels under climate change. Journal of Hydrology. 3 Lofgren, B. M., Quinn, F. H., Clites, A. H., Assel, R. A., Eberhardt, A. J., & Luukkonen, C. L. (2002). Evaluation of Potential Impacts on Great Lakes Water Resources Based on Climate Scenarios of Two GCMs. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 4 Angel, J., & Kunkel, K. (2010). The Response of Great Lakes Water Levels to Future Climate Scenarios with an Emphasis on Lake Michigan-Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 5 Environmental Protection Agency and Environment and Climate Change Canada. State of the Great Lakes 2022 Report. 2022. 40 p
water have occurred several times before. The periods between 1949-1952 and 1982 1986 had higher rates of water level change than this most recent period of 2013-2019. In essence, the 2019–2020 high water years are not unusual, and the yearly averages are consistent with the historical record. At the GBA/GBF water level symposium, Erika Klyszejko, engineering advisor with the Canadian section of the International Joint Commission (IJC) advised that there are profound limits to what can be achieved because of the extreme fluctuations of Lake Michigan-Huron and attempts to alleviate conditions in one area are likely to affect others. The experts tell us that Lake Michigan-Huron water level variations cannot be controlled in a substantive way given the raw power of the natural system. The one control we have available, known as Plan 2012, was implemented by the IJC in 2015. It relies on existing control structures to provide improved regulation of outflows
from Lake Superior in consideration of both Lake Superior and Lake Michigan-Huron, and provides modest benefits for commercial navigation, hydroelectric generation, and coastal zone interests under a broad range of water supply conditions. An important aspect of Plan 2012 is the provision of a more natural flow regime in the St. Marys River. There are many forces trying the exploit the lakes, but few organizations protect them. Clearly, the IJC has proven to be the most important organization as it considers all stakeholders and provides balanced decisions supported by science. With our current understanding of water level variations and management practice for the Upper Great Lakes, we have little choice but to accept continued water level fluctuations in Georgian Bay. Our best path forward is to adopt a practice of respecting the inconvenient character of water level change and accepting that lake levels are not ours to control.
Now That’s the Sound of Progress: The Decibel Coalition Update
By Andrew Hurlbut, Chair, Boating, Safety, and Emergencies Committee
G BA is thrilled to report that recent advocacy related to sound pollution that we and our member organizations have been involved in has seen some concrete results. In 2021, GBA members participated in the Safe Quiet Lakes (SQL) “Your Lakes, Your Views” survey for the first time. The survey found that 95 per cent of nearly 6,000 respondents ranked “relaxing on the dock or near the water” as a “4” or a “5” (on a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is a top priority), and 92 per cent rated “enjoying nature on the lake or by the shore” as equally important ( ). Loud boats were ranked as a major obstacle to enjoying these priority activities: 67 per cent of respondents want muffler laws enforced on power boats, and 67 per cent want decibel limits to be incorporated in the legislation. These views were consistent across Ontario.
Where We Are Now Transport Canada consulted with industry and individual stakeholders, including a “Let’s Talk Transportation” consultation, which was completed May 13, 2022. Transport Canada received a very robust response and found that a large majority of respondents supported amending the Small Vessel Regulations. As a result, Transport Canada proposed to introduce the following changes: ≥ Manufacturers and importers of new pleasure craft must ensure vessels are compliant with ISO Standard 14509 for sound emitted from powered recreational craft that are manufactured, rebuilt, or imported into Canada after the amendment date.
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
≥ Pleasure craft in operation must not exceed set decibel limits, as tested in accordance with the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Standards J2005 Stationary Sound Level and J1970 Shoreline Sound Level Measurement Procedures for Recreational Motorboats. This applies to existing vessels. ≥ Decibel limits must be harmonized with those in place in other jurisdictions. ≥ Field enforcement measures that are proportional to the issue will be supported. This proposal is slated to go to Canada Gazette 1 in late 2024, the first step in the process to making new regulations. This is the last time that stakeholders can provide feedback and voice support or concern regarding the proposed amendments. Once the consultation period (of roughly two months duration) is complete, Transport Canada will consider the input. Subsequently it will be approximately nine months before Transport Canada will publish the result in Canada Gazette 2. At this point it becomes law. The History SQL established the Decibel Coalition in the fall of 2019 with the goal of enhancing the existing Small Vessel Regulations to include performance standards for boat motor noise for boat owner/operators, manufacturers, and importers. By 2022, the coalition had 54 members, including nine municipalities, numerous cottage associations, and environmental groups representing more than 95,000 households.
We have Transport Canada’s attention: the GBA was one of the first coalition members. Nine GBA member associations have also joined so far, including Bayfield Nares Islanders, Key River Area, Pointe au Baril Islanders, Sans Souci Copperhead, Wah Wah Taysee, Bay of Islands, Blackstone Lake, Mad Club, and West Carling.
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
State of the Bay: Ecosystem Health Report 2023
By Katrina Krievins and Becky Pollock, Georgian Bay Mnidoo Gamii Biosphere
T he third edition of Georgian Bay Biosphere’s (GBB) State of the Bay ecosystem health report will be available soon. Launched in 2008, the program is a collaboration among a network of partners dedicated to research, monitoring, and stewardship in eastern Georgian Bay. The State of the Bay report aims to communicate major themes and trends related to ecosystem health by summarizing the latest research every five years. Each cycle of the program includes a technical report based on scientific review, a widely distributed public magazine, a website and blogs, presentations and workshops, educational resources for schools, and a community conference. Last published in 2018, the upcoming State of the Bay aims to:
cultural understandings, and inform conservation and stewardship strategies based on generations of observations and storytelling about how the natural world is changing. The State of the Bay reports on research and trends for Lake Huron-Georgian Bay reviewed by experts on water quality, wetlands, the lower food web, fish species, coastal wetlands, landscape biodiversity, and climate change. Several indicators are used to benchmark changes in the environment, including total phosphorus levels, benthic invertebrates, native fish populations, and invasive species. While not all these indicators show dramatic or even noticeable change over a five-year period, new data is added to monitor longer-term trends.
2018 Technical Report for Eastern & Northern Georgian Bay
For example, the shocking decline of phosphorus in Lake Huron (a key nutrient in the food web) and what impacts that may have on the lower food web and fish populations demands continued research. The legacy of invasive zebra and quagga mussels as filter feeders is still being felt within the ecosystem. Waves of invasive species, such as round gobies and invasive plants like phragmites, each have their own complex ecosystem effects and remediation strategies. Compounding the complex local changes in the biotic community are impacts of weather and climate. We have lived
≥ Communicate general trends and stressors in the GBB region by reporting on a set of ecosystem health indicators based on available scientific research and monitoring ≥ Identify research needs and knowledge gaps and meet with partners to identify priorities and strategies to advance knowledge ≥ Showcase the important work of stewardship partners who are actively studying and monitoring changes to the natural environment, as well as those actively protecting and enhancing it New to this edition, the GBB is working with Indigenous advisors, contributing authors, and artists to incorporate Anishinaabek worldview and stories into the State of the Bay magazine. By respectfully listening to elders, knowledge holders, language teachers, and Indigenous youth, cultural understandings are a gift that provide a much deeper and richer context for science and stewardship in Mnidoo Gamii, Great Lake of the Spirit. Known as “two-eyed seeing” ( etuaptmumk ) by Mi’kmaq elder Albert Marshall, and interpreted as “seeing both sides” ( edwi-waabndamang ) by Brian McInnes ( Waabishki-mukwa ) from Wasauksing First Nation, integrating Indigenous knowledge with science is seen by many as a way to bridge
Photo: Georgian Bay Biosphere
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
Photo: Olivia Fines
Photo: Georgian Bay Biosphere
through and can expect more extreme variations in water levels. Subtle at first, the impacts of climate change are profound and pervasive. Fifty years of data showing warming summer surface water temperatures and reduced ice cover are two indicators that underscore the urgency of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and finding ways to adapt to an uncertain future that includes more frequent and more severe storms, and unpredictable periods of drought and fire, precipitation, and flooding. Fundamentally, the State of the Bay program helps to communicate science to the public and to decision-makers and is a way to showcase the important work of partners. Over the past several years, it has profiled not just the work of provincial, federal, and bi-national agencies and research labs, but it has also shared the community-based work of First Nations, non-profit organizations, and citizen science programs. Stories about stewardship action and the Anishinaabek ethics of caretaking, responsibility, and reciprocity are communicated throughout. The program will develop new high school curriculum materials for teachers, a two-day community conference to deepen cross-cultural understandings of ecosystem change, and the collective work to restore and protect. While invasive species, shoreline development, water contamination, and climate change create mounting pressures, the high species biodiversity and habitat values attributed to eastern Georgian Bay underscore the UNESCO Georgian Bay Mnidoo Gamii Biosphere as an important place
for continued research, stewardship, and learning. The State of the Bay reminds us that we all play a role in the future of Georgian Bay.
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
Boating Interest and Sales In 2022, we saw a moderation in the growing interest in boating. Transport Canada saw a huge surge in applications for Pleasure Craft Licenses (PCL) and Pleasure Craft Operator Cards (PCOC) in 2020 that continued into 2021. And while we are still seeing strong growth continue, it is at a rate more like the pre-pandemic levels. The State of Boating: Sales and Safety BOATING AND SAFETY As for supply chains, these improved but still were not seamless in 2022. The National Marine Manufacturers Association in the US reported that for the first time since before the pandemic, inventories in the more affordable vessels grew. High-end product remained scarce. It will take longer for normalization in Canada, with the economic climate and possible recession playing a part. In Canada last year, new and used vessel sales totalled 101,000 (41,000 and 60,000 respectively). This is down from 113,000 in 2020 and 122,000 in 2021 but still above the numbers going back to 2014. Overall, new sales were down 12 per cent, while the used market was hit with a 20 per cent drop in sales. Every category went down, with the exception of new jetboats. Used sterndrive boats were hit hardest. 2019 2020 2021 2022 PCL 111,755 141,798 155,731 133,289 145,254 251,992 198,292 144,795 PCOC Inquiries 2077 3692 4799 3585
By Andrew Hurlbut, Chair, Boating, Safety, and Emergencies Committee
Boating Safety Unfortunately, in 2022 we saw 29 fatalities. This was the third-worst year out of the last 12 years. Of the 29 fatalities, 28 were male, and 27 (or 93 per cent) were not wearing a personal flotation device (PFD). Over the last 12 years, the average percentage of the fatalities not wearing lifejackets was 87.6 per cent. Capsizing was the cause of 13 fatalities, nine fell overboard, and five were a result of some type of collision. In most of these types of incidents you will not have time to find and put on a PFD. And even if you did find one – have you ever tried to put one on in the water? Don’t tempt fate – you and your loved ones are safest wearing a PFD at all times when you’re in a vessel.
Marine Fatalities
Persons killed
No lifejacket or PFD Used
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
11 Year Average 87% No Lifejackets
Canada New vs Pre-owned Sales Retail Pre-owned
Vessel type
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Source: State of the Canadian Recreational Boating Industry, NMMA Canada
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
Upcoming Events Our sister Georgian Bay organizations wish to inform you of these upcoming events Georgian Bay Forever Shoreline Cleanups Starting June 6, weekly Tuesday cleanups at Sunset Point, in Collingwood from 1:00–3:00 p.m. Contact: Georgian Bay Land Trust Join the Georgian Bay Land Trust for a series of fun and educational events this summer! Visit for more information and to register.
It’s also important to realize smaller is not safer – just the opposite in fact. Small vessels under six metres were involved in 25 of the 29 fatalities, or 86.2 per cent (eight-year average is 85.3 per cent). And no engine doesn’t mean no worries either: 14 of the fatalities were in non-motorized vessels. Canoes topped the list for the third year in a row. More boats and more inexperienced boaters on the waterways have ensured that the OPP are getting lots of complaints about speed, aggressive operation, and wakes. Also, inexperienced boaters are often getting in trouble operating in unfavourable conditions and/or without proper knowledge of safety practices and equipment. Education and courtesy are key – we have to share the waterways. Please check Transport Canada’s Safe Boating Guide ( TCSafeBoatingGuide ) for safety tips and requirements and Georgian Bay for Everyone ( ) for some reminders and tips for respectful coexistence.
---------------------------------------------- Sunday August 13, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m., David Johnston Park, Meaford Contact: ---------------------------------------------- Sunday August 13, 2:00–4:00 p.m., meeting behind Bayshore Community Centre, Owen Sound Co-hosted event with Lake Huron Coastal Centre Contact: Georgian Bay Biosphere Event details can be found at May 17: 7:00–8:00 p.m. Webinar: EV Infrastructure 101 ---------------------------------------------- June 10: 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Native Plant Fundraiser ---------------------------------------------- June 14: 7:00–8:00 p.m. Webinar: Dispelling EV Myths ---------------------------------------------- July 15: Naiscoot Lake Explore Our Shores: guided paddle ---------------------------------------------- July 16: PaBIA Naturalists Speaker Series, Ojibway Club State of the Bay: perspectives on ecosystem health & fisheries ---------------------------------------------- August 16: 7:00–8:00 p.m. Webinar: Owning an EV in the GBB Region
June 17: Bioblitz at Sandy Island, Sans Souci -------------------------------- July 5: Cyanotype Sun Print Workshop, Gunn Island, Wah Wah Taysee -------------------------------- July 16: Nature Walk at the MacCallum Reserve, Go Home Bay -------------------------------- July 24: Nature Walk at Fairies Dancing, Pointe au Baril -------------------------------- July 26 & August 27: Yoga at American Camp Island, Wah Wah Taysee -------------------------------- July 30 & August 17: Yoga at The Lizard, Cognashene -------------------------------- August 2: Nature Paddle, Bayfield Inlet -------------------------------- September 16: Fall Bird Migration Walk, Roberts Island, Honey Harbour -------------------------------- September 17: Walking for Wilderness, Parry Sound
Make Good Decisions ≥ wear your lifejacket
≥ respect the water and weather
≥ don’t cruise with booze
≥ plan ahead and share your plan
≥ be properly equipped
≥ be cold water aware
≥ get passengers engaged
≥ be a better boater
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
By Rick Legedza, Boating Ontario
The Benefits of Using a Clean Marine-rated Marina
B efore starting my career with Boating Ontario as their Clean Marine administrator, we moved our boat to a new marina that was engaged in Clean Marine objectives. What is Clean Marine? As part of our slip agreement, we were required to sign a Clean Marine Commitment stating that we were responsible for ensuring our boat, crew, and guests maintained Clean Marine standards throughout the marina. Simply put, our role was to do our part to sort our waste properly and to keep the waterways clean. The staff welcomed us with a tour of the facility and showed us where waste and recyclables were to be deposited. The marina has a waste oil collection area where boaters can drop off used oil and oil filters for proper hazardous waste collection. The staff showed us where the spill kits were located and explained how to use them, how to effectively deal with minor spills, and who to contact if anything major happened. They also required us to use bilge socks – these contain an absorbent material that removes petroleum products from bilge water, thereby preventing hydrocarbons from being released into the lake. They showed us how to install the bilge socks so they would not interfere with the operation of the bilge pump and how to identify when they should be replaced. We learned how to safely operate the onsite pump-out facility, including the location of the puppy pump-out locations (i.e., where to deposit our doggy bags!) As we enjoyed our new slip and made new friends on the dock, it was apparent that the members of the marina were all very engaged in keeping the marina clean and following the Clean Marine best practices. Everyone we met was very helpful and ready to assist. It was reassuring to know that if there should be a problem, the problem will be dealt with quickly and efficiently. We are very proud to keep our marina fully committed to Boating Ontario’s Clean Marine program.
About the Clean Marine Program The Ontario-developed Clean Marine Eco Rating Program is an environmental program that allows marine businesses to follow best environmental practices to reduce and prevent water, air, and land pollution associated with recreational boating activities in Ontario. Since the program’s inception in 1995, more than 300 businesses have participated. Marinas voluntarily join the program to participate in a 220-point assessment. Scores from the assessment are converted into an Eco-Rating system ranking from Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and Diamond Elite as the highest achievement. Re-assessments are mandatory every four years with self-assessments conducted annually. Clean Marine Program Eco-Rated Marinas proudly fly the Clean Marine environmental flag. As a boater, this is your assurance that the marina has adopted the highest environmental standards for marinas in the world.
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
What Is the Underused Housing Tax?
By Shannon Farquharson, Communications & Executive Services Coordinator
T he Underused Housing Tax (UHT) is a new one per cent annual tax levied on the value of residential property owned by non-Canadians and some companies/trusts that are vacant or considered underused. The intention of this tax is to deter non-residents and some companies/trusts from passively investing in Canadian real estate and to make housing more available to Canadian residents. Who needs to file? All non-Canadian property owners and some companies/ trusts are required to file a UHT form (T1261) with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) by April 30 annually . The tax itself will likely not apply to most GBA members who have property that is not suitable for year-round use (exemptions 630 or 635), however all non-Canadian property owners and some companies/trusts are required to file even if they will be exempt from paying the tax. Tips for filing To file a UHT tax form, you must have a valid CRA tax identifier number. If you do not have a Canadian Social Insurance Number (SIN) you will need to apply for an Individual Tax Number (ITN). The ITN application form and supporting documents must be mailed to the CRA. This process can take up to eight weeks, so please submit your application as soon as possible. Companies/trusts that need to file the UHT need a business number. Information on how to get a business number, if you do not have one (i.e, non-resident businesses), can be found here: . Water access properties do not have a Canadian postal code, so when filing the UHT form this should be left blank. Do not use the postal code of your local post office as this may negate your exemption. Filing Extension for 2023 The minimum penalty for late filing is $5,000 per property for any individual owner. Although April 30 is the deadline to file your UHT form, the CRA has effectively extended the
filing deadline for the UHT to October 31 this year only, to provide more time for affected owners to comply. The CRA's application of penalties and interest will be waived provided the return is filed by October 31, 2023 . If you find that you are nearing the October 31 deadline, you can avoid late filing fees, as follows: 1. File for an ITN number or business number as soon as possible. These requests can take up to eight weeks to process, so the sooner you can start that process the better. This number will be needed for any future dealings with the CRA, such as UHT filings, so please remember to store your ITN or business number safely. To get an ITN or business number you need to complete the application form as above and mail it along with the applicable government ID (certified or notarized copies). 2. When you complete the UHT form as above, include an explanatory note explaining why you are submitting the form without an ITN (or business) number, and also include a copy of the ITN (or business number) application submitted, which should include the date it was filed. With this information CRA should be able to process your filing and you should not incur any late filing charges due to the lack of an ITN (or business) number by the October 31 deadline. 3. Should CRA levy any late filing fee, you can file an objection through taxpayer relief provisions available. In this case, because the UHT form was released very late, has been poorly communicated by CRA, and may not provide enough time for filers to obtain an ITN or business number before the deadline in many cases, CRA advised that there would be sufficient grounds for an appeal.
More information on the UHT can be found at .
This article is intended for general information purposes only. While we have attempted to provide information that is helpful for our readers, GBA does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice and accepts no legal liability for the contents of this article. Ensure you check original sources for additional details and updates. For advice regarding your personal taxation and filing needs, please contact your own tax professional or accounting advisor.
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
By Rupert Kindersley, Executive Director
A s usual, lots of activity to report to you since my previous update in February. Floating Cottages Following the letter GBA and other members of our strategic alliance wrote to Minister Graydon Smith, asking for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) to take a lead role in addressing the proper regulation of floating accommodation units, MNRF asked for comments on proposed new regulations that would prohibit floating accommodations from tying up to Crown land or anchoring to the lakebed overnight. GBA submitted their comments and is following up with a letter to the minister. However, the prohibition will be ineffective if Transport Canada (TC) continues to grant vessel licences to these floating accommodations. Accordingly, the priority for the strategic alliance is to persuade TC to amend their licensing protocols to prevent vessel licences being issued to floating accommodations. Details about our progress can/will be found here: Underused Housing Tax (UHT) As 23 per cent of GBA members are US or international citizens, GBA reached out to the Canadian Revenue Agency as soon as we heard that the requirements for the UHT were released. You can read more about the tax and how to file in the short article on page 11. GBA believes that all, or almost all, of our members’ properties will be exempt from the tax, but even if your property is exempt, you still must file or risk a fine . We will continue to advocate to the government to waive the annual filing requirement for properties that will always be exempt. Aquaculture First a big thank you to Claudette Young who has stepped up to chair this committee again. Claudette has been on the committee for almost all of its 25-year history, and being back at the helm has provided a great boost to our goal to move all open-net fish farms to land-based, sustainable facilities. Claudette’s actions and GBA’s recent attendance at the Ontario Aquaculture Association’s (OAA) annual meeting have yielded some useful updates:
≥ The industry has been asking MNRF to move to 20-year licences (current licences must be renewed every five years). This has still not been implemented, as consultations with Indigenous communities have not yet begun. ≥ We have also learned that recently developed Indigenous guidelines about open-net aquaculture are apparently more stringent than those of MNRF and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). ≥ We have restarted regular meetings with MNRF, MECP and the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), with the next meeting set for early May. ≥ We continue to work with OAA and MNRF to get the Lake Wolsey operation closed down before there are more algae outbreaks. We have also recently provided support/ information for the consultant hired by the Sheshegwaning First Nation to interpret the environmental compliance reports that the Lake Wolsey operator provided to the Sheshegwaning under their joint venture. In other news: ≥ Claudette and I met with MP Vance Badawey, who we hope will help us on a couple of DFO issues. ≥ We have commenced discussions with Indigenous leaders to see how we can work together, particularly in light of their new guidance document, termed the Great [Aquaculture] Plan. ≥ We have begun formulating plans to reboot the past aquaculture environmental forum with support from the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission. ≥ We are investigating the need to update the agreement between DFO and MNRF, which grants MNRF the authority to regulate this industry. Wiikwemkoong (Wiiky) Interim Land Claim There are some updates on this file regarding progress and timing. The past GBA work, led by Northern Georgian Bay Association (NGBA) can be found here: . The environmental study report has now been completed, which paves the way for the Philip Edward Island and its
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
surrounding archipelago, the so-called “fishing islands”, and some inland land parcels to be transferred to Wiiky reserve land. The Wiiky/NGBA/GBA agreement is in final draft form, but still needs to be ratified by the Wiiky at a meeting in person, expected in about five months. COVID delayed this process. The remaining details of the settlement agreement between the federal government and the Wiiky are not expected to be completed until 2024; it will then take a further three plus years to finalize the process. Washing Machine Bill The clothes washing machine bill to require filters for new machines is now Bill 83. GBA has sent an email to all MPPs here: If you support this plastic pollution reduction measure, please take a couple of minutes to input your postal code and email address into the portal to send your own email directly to your MPP to ask them to support this bill. It’s easy and takes very little time to do: Briefly: ≥ We are working on reversing the decision by MECP to delay implementing the regulations to ban unencapsulated dock foam from new docks and repairs in order to get these regulations in place. ≥ We continue to work with the Great Lakes Ecoregion Network, which GBA helped to found in 2022, to coordinate efforts to improve and enhance bi-national federal
government action on the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement and other protections for the Great Lakes ecosystem, see: . ≥ Delegations are underway to the five municipalities where GBA members reside, on both water levels (jointly with Georgian Bay Forever), and on the Municipal Planning Comparison Project, as part of our coastal protection work – townships of the Archipelago and Killarney completed; townships of Carling, Georgian Bay, and Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands still to come. ≥ Your Boating Safety and Emergencies Committee is gearing up to provide input to, and information on, a number of new Transport Canada regulations:
• Mandatory lifejacket wear • Engine cut off switches • Pleasure craft licensing • New vessel operation restriction regulations for wakeboarding • Pleasure craft operator competency • Powered surfboards
So, GBA continues to bring value to you on a wide range of important issues to protect our precious Bay and your safety. In addition to your 23 volunteer directors, there are 32 others who help out on the 14 GBA committees. This tremendous support not only allows us to move the needle on so many matters, but also provides you with enormous value well beyond the dues you pay to keep GBA going. Thank you so much for your support!
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GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
Camp Franklin: “Nature's Playground for Adult-Young People”
By Allison Needham, UPDATE Managing Editor
I n 1922, the Minwandum Camping Association established Camp Franklin, a youth camp located on the shores of Franklin Island where “goodwill, friendship, hearty laughter and unselfishness” were the main ideals of staff and campers. Originally an all-boys camp under the direction of Reverend William J. Christie, it soon expanded to offer girls programming and coed camps for children and young adults. Family programs were also offered during busy seasons. The camp became so popular that camps in October and November were added with different themes and outdoor skills — one of which was learning to hunt. The camp operated each summer from June to October, until its close in 1937. Billed as a getaway from the rush of the city, Camp Franklin was an opportunity to learn valuable outdoor skills while enjoying the fresh air. The staff encouraged the development of what became lifelong friendships and instilled a love and respect for the natural beauty that surrounded each visitor. Activities included horseback riding, canoeing, swimming, various sports, rowing, sailing, nature study, fishing, photography, and much, much more. There were sports such as tennis, golf, volleyball, badminton, and baseball for all to compete in. In the evenings, campers could relax by the fire, participate in dances or masquerades, and even attend exclusive parties held on the grounds. The 50-foot sailing yacht, Minwandum , offered campers the choice of a two, three, or four-day cruise to acquaint themselves with the 30,000 Islands. One of the most popular overnight trips was to Killarney where campers had the opportunity to photograph or paint the scenic views of the park. Camp Franklin had five spacious lodges, four to 14 rooms each, with cozy living rooms, cheery fireplaces, and spacious verandahs, all picturesquely situated among the pines facing the Shebeshekong channel. The cabins and tent bungalows, dotted here and there, provided quiet and serene sleeping accommodations. As time went on, a dining and recreational hall, stables, and various types of courts for games, trails, laundry, vegetable gardens, a boathouse and a large wharf were added. The camp had its own post office, tuck shop, and medical attendant. During its years of operation, the camp was a major employer and provided passengers to both railways and boat lines in the area. Many Carling residents worked on the island as cooks, dishwashers, instructors, guides, and cleaning staff.
With our days geared to the high speed of modern industrial, commercial, and social life, the youthful adult of today requires more recreation than did they of yesterday. Mere idleness does not of necessity recreate. Recreation is an active process not a passive state. Most folk need the assistance of others to make recreation complete.
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
The Dining Hall
“There is Health in every mouthful.”
With its natural beauty and adjacent provincial park, the island was the perfect setting for rest and outdoor activities. Walter C. Cain, Ontario Deputy Minister of Lands and Forests, wrote: "This island has many long, deep, narrow bays, which are the spawning beds of many kinds of fish, and numerous varieties of waterfowl haunt its shores. In addition, the island contains 11 small lakes most beautifully situated and surrounded by exceptionally well-wooded shores. These woods are the homes and nesting places of a wonderful variety
of birds and the breeding ground of deer and other small game animals. Of the thirty thousand or more islands in the Georgian Bay, Franklin is described as the most attractive.'' Although it is all gone, those of us who have visited this magnificent island can still envision what Reverend Christie started. You can still find remnants of its past throughout the island, and Franklin remains a special place that draws people back, time and time again.
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Continuity, Collaboration, and Change
By Liz Phillips, GBA President
I t is a privilege to be serving as your GBA president, and just a little daunting, given the shoes I have to fill. Rolfe Jones, the outgoing president, dedicated his heart and soul to GBA over the last two years. He has done as much as possible to ensure our Bay is protected for generations to come and has earned a little downtime to enjoy the fruits of his labours. Rolfe has served on the Board since June 2014 and has extensive institutional knowledge that I will gratefully tap into as he serves in an advisory capacity over the next year as the past president. He has also agreed to continue to chair the Coastal Protection Committee, which represents a file that continues to grow in importance. As for me, my home association is Bay of Islands, so I am located in the farthest of the GBA associations. My family came to the Bay in 1973, when my Toronto-based professor parents bought a dilapidated fishing resort in the North Channel called Moredolphton Lodge. I would spend every summer of my childhood there, first playing on the rocky shores of our islands, then later working alongside my parents at what we called the Island Lodge. When it became clear that neither my sister nor I could (or would) carry on the business, we sold the main island, keeping the smaller island with its one cottage as our family “camp.” The Bay feels like a part of my DNA, and I am grateful for every day we get to spend up there with my husband, two teenage boys, my sister’s family, and my mother. I joined the Board in the fall of 2018 and was almost immediately recruited by Rolfe to join the UPDATE editorial
team. There’s a reason why so many of our past presidents were UPDATE editors – there is no better place on the GBA team to get up to speed on the issues facing our Bay and our members. When Rolfe became the president, I moved into the editor role, supported by both Rolfe and Allison Needham of West Carling Association. Over the last two years, Allison has been a superb advertising and managing editor, and her articles about the history of the Bay have added a fascinating dimension to UPDATE . I’m always excited about what I get to learn whenever she has an article to contribute. She steps into the role of editor after this issue, and I trust she will continue to create content that our members read from cover to cover. The GBA Board members collectively donate thousands of hours of their time in service to GBA, and I look forward to continuing our work together. And they are all supported by our talented staff who help keep things going in many small and big ways. That alchemy of dedicated volunteers and committed staff is what allows us to tackle an outsize number of issues for an organization of our size. At this time of transition, I have been thinking about the importance of continuity of organizations like GBA in order to effect the kind of long-term change that requires years, or even decades to come to fruition. In many cases, no one person can follow through an issue from start to finish – we need to be able to pass the baton to the next person in the relay race and trust that they will know what to do with it. I am honoured to be trusted with the GBA baton.
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
Directors of the Georgian Bay Association
Bay of Islands
Liz Phillips
Northern Georgian Bay
Freda Klassen
Blackstone Lake
Andy Metelka
Seymour Hadwen
Doug Ferguson
Sans Souci & Copperhead
Katherine Denune
David Matthews
Sans Souci & Copperhead
Al Stratton
Rolfe Jones
South Channel
Steven Sprague
Honey Harbour
Armin Grigaitis
Twelve Mile Bay
Brett Harris
Honey Harbour
Dan Busse
Wah Wah Taysee
Gord Forstner
Key River
Andrew Hurlbut
West Carling
Allison Needham
Madawaska Club
Lewis Reis
West Carling
Richard Wilson
Dawn Drayton
Woods Bay
Heather Sargeant
McGregor Bay
Doug Whitton
It is hereby resolved that the following are elected as Officers of the Georgian Bay Association for 2023/4: President Liz Phillips
Vice President
Al Stratton
Stephen Sprague
Photo: Rolfe Jones
GBA UPDATE Summer 2023
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