GBA 2023 - Summer Update

The Dining Hall

“There is Health in every mouthful.”

With its natural beauty and adjacent provincial park, the island was the perfect setting for rest and outdoor activities. Walter C. Cain, Ontario Deputy Minister of Lands and Forests, wrote: "This island has many long, deep, narrow bays, which are the spawning beds of many kinds of fish, and numerous varieties of waterfowl haunt its shores. In addition, the island contains 11 small lakes most beautifully situated and surrounded by exceptionally well-wooded shores. These woods are the homes and nesting places of a wonderful variety

of birds and the breeding ground of deer and other small game animals. Of the thirty thousand or more islands in the Georgian Bay, Franklin is described as the most attractive.'' Although it is all gone, those of us who have visited this magnificent island can still envision what Reverend Christie started. You can still find remnants of its past throughout the island, and Franklin remains a special place that draws people back, time and time again.

GBA UPDATE Summer 2023


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