GBA 2023 - Summer Update

≥ Pleasure craft in operation must not exceed set decibel limits, as tested in accordance with the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Standards J2005 Stationary Sound Level and J1970 Shoreline Sound Level Measurement Procedures for Recreational Motorboats. This applies to existing vessels. ≥ Decibel limits must be harmonized with those in place in other jurisdictions. ≥ Field enforcement measures that are proportional to the issue will be supported. This proposal is slated to go to Canada Gazette 1 in late 2024, the first step in the process to making new regulations. This is the last time that stakeholders can provide feedback and voice support or concern regarding the proposed amendments. Once the consultation period (of roughly two months duration) is complete, Transport Canada will consider the input. Subsequently it will be approximately nine months before Transport Canada will publish the result in Canada Gazette 2. At this point it becomes law. The History SQL established the Decibel Coalition in the fall of 2019 with the goal of enhancing the existing Small Vessel Regulations to include performance standards for boat motor noise for boat owner/operators, manufacturers, and importers. By 2022, the coalition had 54 members, including nine municipalities, numerous cottage associations, and environmental groups representing more than 95,000 households.

We have Transport Canada’s attention: the GBA was one of the first coalition members. Nine GBA member associations have also joined so far, including Bayfield Nares Islanders, Key River Area, Pointe au Baril Islanders, Sans Souci Copperhead, Wah Wah Taysee, Bay of Islands, Blackstone Lake, Mad Club, and West Carling.

GBA UPDATE Summer 2023


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