GBA 2023 - Summer Update

Upcoming Events Our sister Georgian Bay organizations wish to inform you of these upcoming events Georgian Bay Forever Shoreline Cleanups Starting June 6, weekly Tuesday cleanups at Sunset Point, in Collingwood from 1:00–3:00 p.m. Contact: Georgian Bay Land Trust Join the Georgian Bay Land Trust for a series of fun and educational events this summer! Visit for more information and to register.

It’s also important to realize smaller is not safer – just the opposite in fact. Small vessels under six metres were involved in 25 of the 29 fatalities, or 86.2 per cent (eight-year average is 85.3 per cent). And no engine doesn’t mean no worries either: 14 of the fatalities were in non-motorized vessels. Canoes topped the list for the third year in a row. More boats and more inexperienced boaters on the waterways have ensured that the OPP are getting lots of complaints about speed, aggressive operation, and wakes. Also, inexperienced boaters are often getting in trouble operating in unfavourable conditions and/or without proper knowledge of safety practices and equipment. Education and courtesy are key – we have to share the waterways. Please check Transport Canada’s Safe Boating Guide ( TCSafeBoatingGuide ) for safety tips and requirements and Georgian Bay for Everyone ( ) for some reminders and tips for respectful coexistence.

---------------------------------------------- Sunday August 13, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m., David Johnston Park, Meaford Contact: ---------------------------------------------- Sunday August 13, 2:00–4:00 p.m., meeting behind Bayshore Community Centre, Owen Sound Co-hosted event with Lake Huron Coastal Centre Contact: Georgian Bay Biosphere Event details can be found at May 17: 7:00–8:00 p.m. Webinar: EV Infrastructure 101 ---------------------------------------------- June 10: 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Native Plant Fundraiser ---------------------------------------------- June 14: 7:00–8:00 p.m. Webinar: Dispelling EV Myths ---------------------------------------------- July 15: Naiscoot Lake Explore Our Shores: guided paddle ---------------------------------------------- July 16: PaBIA Naturalists Speaker Series, Ojibway Club State of the Bay: perspectives on ecosystem health & fisheries ---------------------------------------------- August 16: 7:00–8:00 p.m. Webinar: Owning an EV in the GBB Region

June 17: Bioblitz at Sandy Island, Sans Souci -------------------------------- July 5: Cyanotype Sun Print Workshop, Gunn Island, Wah Wah Taysee -------------------------------- July 16: Nature Walk at the MacCallum Reserve, Go Home Bay -------------------------------- July 24: Nature Walk at Fairies Dancing, Pointe au Baril -------------------------------- July 26 & August 27: Yoga at American Camp Island, Wah Wah Taysee -------------------------------- July 30 & August 17: Yoga at The Lizard, Cognashene -------------------------------- August 2: Nature Paddle, Bayfield Inlet -------------------------------- September 16: Fall Bird Migration Walk, Roberts Island, Honey Harbour -------------------------------- September 17: Walking for Wilderness, Parry Sound

Make Good Decisions ≥ wear your lifejacket

≥ respect the water and weather

≥ don’t cruise with booze

≥ plan ahead and share your plan

≥ be properly equipped

≥ be cold water aware

≥ get passengers engaged

≥ be a better boater

GBA UPDATE Summer 2023


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