GBA Update Fall 2023


Thanks and Goodbye Cosette Shipman

By Shannon Farquharson, Communications & Executive Services Coordinator

G BA would like to Shipman for her important contributions over the past two years as GBA’s Coastal Protection Project (CPC) coordinator. We are sad to see her go, but we wish her all the best for her future success. Cosette was born in Parry Sound and joined GBA in November 2021 through a Northern Ontario Heritage Fund extend our sincere gratitude to Cosette

committee members, municipal planning officials, and a host of other experts, Cosette was instrumental in producing GBA’s Planning Guide , launched last year, and GBA’s Septic Systems Guide , released last month. But Cosette’s most significant contribution was a massive research project — GBA’s Municipal Planning Comparison Project. This multi-year project examined the strategic plans, official plans, and comprehensive zoning bylaws of each of the five municipalities along Georgian Bay's north and east shores. It will assist with the overall aims of the CPC to promote and defend sound planning standards and protect the integrity of municipal planning regulations to ensure that development is sustainable and environmentally responsible. In addition to these projects and general work for the CPC, Cosette also helped manage and research for some of GBA’s other committees: Floating Homes, Aquaculture, Lands and Forests, Water, and Fisheries. She was a valued team member who was always happy to help when needed, learn on the job, and go outside her comfort zone. Thank you Cosette. The Bay is a better place thanks to your hard work!

grant. As a recent university graduate, Cosette was eager to put her strong research skills to practical use with a focus on environmental issues at the community level. GBA’s Coastal Protection Committee had several ambitious projects it was looking to move forward, and Cosette enthusiastically dove in as CPC coordinator. Working with

GBA UPDATE Fall 2023


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