GBA Update Fall 2024

Upcoming Events Our sister Georgian Bay organizations wish to inform you of these upcoming events Georgian Bay Biosphere Earth Week Beach Party - Saturday, April 20 McKellar Turtle Nest Protector Workshop - Saturday, April 27 Biosphere Walks: Spring Birding - Saturday, May 18 Climate Action Forum & Trade Show , Stockey Centre, Parry Sound - Thursdsay, June 6 Port Severn Turtle Nest Protector Workshop - Date to be confirmed Pointe au Baril Turtle Nest Protector Workshop - Saturday, May 4 More details and events are updated regularly at Visit or follow us @GBayBiosphere for more information and event updates! Georgian Bay Forever Earth Day Shoreline Cleanup Sunday, April 21 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Beach 2, Wasaga Beach Shoreline cleanups will be held weekly at Beach 2 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., starting Tuesday, June 4, and ending Tuesday, August 27. Parking passes will be available for all volunteers in the municipal lot at 5 th Street North.

Your Voice on the Bay

GBA UPDATE is published by the Georgian Bay Association

GBA Mission Statement: To work with our water-based communities and other stakeholders to ensure the careful

stewardship of the greater Georgian Bay environment.

Patrons of GBA: The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D. John Ralston Saul, C.C. The Georgian Bay Association is an advocacy umbrella group representing 17 community associations and their members – approximately 3,000 families comprising over 30,000 individuals.

President: Liz Phillips email: Executive Director: Rupert Kindersley email: Editor: Allison Needham email: Advertising: Armin Grigaitis email: Webmaster: Shannon Farquharson email:

GBA website: Facebook:

2024 Publication Schedule Issue

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GBA UPDATE is printed by Warren’s Waterless Printing, Canada’s leading environmental printer, using high-quality waterless print technology on Enviro 100% recycled paper. The waterless printing process eliminates the use of fresh water and greatly reduces the use of harmful chemical compounds. Distributed under Canada Publication Mail Sales Agreement # 40038178 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: GBA c/o SHANNON FARQUHARSON, Communications & Executive Services Coordinator 138 Hopedale Avenue, Toronto ON M4K 3M7 (416) 937-4990 • that the source is acknowledged. Letters to the editor are welcome. Please send address corrections and changes to the address below. GBA UPDATE is mailed to all members of all GBA member associations, friends, other stakeholders and interest groups. Bulk copies can be made available to full member associations to include with their mailings. Material may be reprinted in GBA member association newsletters provided

GBA THANKS JUNCTION59 for their services supporting our eUpdate, website and our social media channels

Marc Cooper 416.481.4861

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GBA UPDATE Spring 2024


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