GBA Update Spring 2024
Bulldozers became available for road improvements through government funding.
council members, continued to advocate for government funding for the improvement of Twelve Mile Bay Road. For years after the initial efforts of the bush trail, they made many trips to Toronto to lobby the provincial Department of Highways. Their efforts paid off in 1963 when the government committed to funding the trail upgrade to provincial road standards. In November 1966, Ma Kah Ga Win Road was officially opened for public use. It was named after the Ojibway words meaning "Discovery Road" because it was the first direct connection between Muskoka and the eastern Georgian Bay shoreline. Before its construction, residents in the area were isolated from each other, but with the opening of this road, they finally had a way to travel between these two regions. By 1965, cottagers could put away their Coleman lamps because hydro had arrived in the bay. Eugene Walden, who coordinated poles through contacts at his work at Ontario Hydro, helped them do so. We are eternally grateful to the original cottagers of our wilderness paradise for everything they accomplished in their commitment to creating a better Twelve Mile Bay. Thank you to Don Emslie, Doris Hardwicke, and Eugene Walden for sharing your impressive memories and stories with me; to Heather Walden Beitz for stepping in with her coordination savvy and to everyone who shared a tidbit of their memories with me. Every bit helped to paint the bigger picture!
Alexandra McLaughlin, Georgian Bay Artist
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GBA UPDATE Spring 2024
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